Intern Project
Yesterday, as part of our internship my co-intern and I interviewed previous interns for a

Glendale, CA — The Armenian National Committee of America, Western Region (ANCA-WR) anno

ANC Burbank’s May 4th Gala to Benefit Expanded Armenian American Role in Public Service
Armenian National Committee of Burbank P.O. Box 749 Burbank, CA 91503 Tel: (818) 562-1918

Armenian enough?
The Kardashians made the news last weekend. Actually, they’re in the news a lot, and v

Eurovision 2012
My family has recently started watching Eurovision since we have more access to it. Last y

Land and Story
Sometimes I wonder what it might feel like to be something else. Swedish, maybe. It wo

Rewritting History
Recently I read an article called “History Lessons in Armenia and Azerbaijan.”

In Loving Memory
February 23rd, 2012 marked the 26th anniversary of my grandfather’s death. My mother

Mother Language/Other Language
This blog was first written out by hand, on paper, with a pen. Typing has largely replac