September 23, 2003

LOS ANGELES, CA– California’s Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante visited the headquarters of the Armenian National Committee America – Western Region today to discuss issues of concern to Armenian- American voters.

Bustamante, a long-standing friend of the Armenian-American community, is a leading candidate for Governor in the planned October 7th Recall Election.

“I am pleased that the Lieutenant Governor had an opportunity to visit our offices today,” remarked ANCA-WR Chairman Raffi Hamparian. I know he was impressed by sharing a dialogue with the grassroots activists who have made the ANC the largest and most influential Armenian-American grassroots organization in the State of California.”

The meeting with the Lieutenant Governor was attended by ANCA-WR Board members and Chairs of several local ANC chapters. The ANC will be issuing a statement next week announcing its position with regard to the planned October 7 Gubernatorial Recall Election.

“The Lieutenant Governor’s leadership on issues, ranging from Armenian Genocide recognition efforts to supporting the ANC’s effort to establish a California Trade Office in Armenia, have always been appreciated. Cruz Bustamante is a solid friend of our community,” Hamparian added.


For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Ardashes Kassakhian
Email / Tel: (818) 500-1918
Armenian National Committee of America
Western Region
104 N. Belmont, Suite 200, Glendale, CA 91206 * Tel. (818) 500-1918

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