The Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region (ANCA-WR) recently published its 2020-2021 Biennial Report, highlighting the organization’s tireless efforts in advocating for justice for the Armenian Genocide, harnessing support for the Republic of Armenia, urging recognition and support for the Republic of Artsakh, and developing grassroots programs to organize and mobilize the Armenian-American diaspora in the Western United States.
“The past two years have presented unprecedented challenges for our communities across the world, from the COVID-19 pandemic to the devastating invasion and occupation of our ancestral homeland by Turkey and Azerbaijan,” remarked Nora Hovsepian, Chair of the ANCA-WR Board of Directors. “Even in the face of these tremendous challenges, however, the ANCA-WR Board, staff, committees, local chapters, supporters and grassroots activists have remained tirelessly committed to advancing all facets of the Armenian Cause – innovating and adapting to the threats we face to advance the cause for justice for the Armenian people,” Hovsepian continued.

The report highlights the key priorities advanced by the ANCA-WR from 2020 through the end of 2021 at the federal, state, and local levels, including but not limited to the organization’s response to Azerbaijan’s invasion of Artsakh, the federal recognition of the Armenian Genocide, and the efforts undertaken at the state and federal level to hold Turkey and Azerbaijan accountable for their ongoing aggression against the Armenian people. The report also showcases the ANCA-WR’s extensive community outreach initiatives, including the effort to keep the Armenian-American community safe and informed during the COVID-19 pandemic, mobilizing Armenian-Americans throughout the 2020 Census as well as the local, state, and federal elections and redistricting process to protect the integrity of the community’s voice, and the ANCA-WR internship program – which welcomed 44 interns over the last two years.
In light of the devastating invasion of Artsakh by Azerbaijan and its ally Turkey last year, the ANCA-WR report dedicates particular attention to the organization’s multi-faceted response to the 44-day war, during which the ANCA-WR worked to mobilize the Armenian community in an unprecedented way. By activating rapid responders to send hundreds of thousands of emails to members of the U.S. Congress, participating in the organization of a community-wide protest that brought 150,000 Armenian-Americans to the threshold of the Turkish Consulate, and by conducting interviews and publishing articles in prominent local, national and international media outlets – the ANCA-WR was able to generate awareness of Turkey and Azerbaijan’s genocidal campaign against the Armenian people and shape the national conversation.
As a result of this awareness-raising campaign and targeted advocacy, the ANCA-WR – working in conjunction with its national office – was able to counter Azerbaijan’s misinformation campaign and terminate the relationship between the Azerbaijani government and major U.S. public relations firms, compel companies to end the sale of drone parts to Turkey, and oversee the inclusion of Armenian-American community priorities in statements issued by both the Trump and Biden campaigns during the 2020 election.
The last year also saw momentous progress towards justice with President Biden following the lead of Congress in formally recognizing the Armenian Genocide – an attestation to the dedication of Armenian-American activists over the course of generations who have fought tirelessly to end Turkey’s gag-rule over honest recognition and remembrance of this great crime against humanity. The report also highlights the work to come in institutionalizing remembrance and continuing the march for justice, reaffirming the commitment of the ANCA-WR to honoring the memory of our forebears and holding its perpetrators accountable.
Overall, the Biennial Report is a testament to the work that the ANCA-WR has been able to accomplish thanks to its network of local chapters, donors, volunteers, staff and thousands of activists dedicated to advocating for the advancement of the Armenian Cause and the security, prosperity and viability of a free, independent and united Armenia.
The Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region is the largest and most influential nonpartisan Armenian American grassroots advocacy organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country, the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues in pursuit of the Armenian Cause.
To join our network of dedicated donors and supporters, or to volunteer for our grassroots efforts, please contact the ANCA-WR office at 818-500-1918 or go to our website to learn how you can become an advocate or click here to donate.