Experts to Probe Regional Factors Impacting Armenian Cause at ANCA Grassroots
The Syrian Crisis, the Kurdish Issue, Turkish Minorities and Armenian factors to be examin

Actress and Activist Arsinée Khanjian to Present at ANCA Grassroots
GLENDALE—Actress and activist Arsinée Khanjian will be part of the “Film & Arts

ANCA Valley Chapters Host Meet and Greet Fundraiser for Assembly Candidate Matt Dababneh
Urge Community to Vote on November 19th On Monday, November 11, the ANCA San Fernando Vall

Turkey’s Gag Rule on ‘Musa Dagh’ Film to be Explored at ANCA Grassroots
Filmmakers Edwin Avaness, Serj Minassians, Producers of “Epic Denied,” are Prominent a

LA Mayor Eric Garcetti to be Honored as Man of the Year at ANCA-WR Annual Banquet
Glendale, CA – The Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region (ANCA-WR) a

ANCA Western Region Endorses Matt Dababneh for CA State Assembly
The Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region (ANCA-WR) announced today it

Noted Attorneys to Discuss Legal Aspects of Armenian Cause at ANCA Grassroots
1.5 hours of general CLE credit offered to those attending the ANCA Grassroots “Transnat

Vahe Berberian to Join Already Impressive ANCA Grassroots ‘Film & Arts’ Panel
Playwright and Theater Critic Aram Kouyoumdjian to Moderate BY PATRICK BAIRAMIAN Ever hear

Filmmaker and Activist Ara Soudjian to be Honored at ANCA-WR Annual Banquet
The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region announced on Friday that it will

Capital Cities’ Sebu Simonian to be Panelist at ANCA Grassroots
GLENDALE—The Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region announced this we