Time Mangament

July 27, 2011

 As the fifth week of the ANCA-WR comes to a close, I realized that challenges within the internship and my personal life have intensified . As I have discussed in my first blog, I am part of a Armenian Church Youth Organization that has helped me progress an a Armenian. I try to find ways to help other who are in less fortunate situations then myself and ensure that my local Armenian community takes part to do the same. I recently have help plan and organize a charity banquet event that turned into a great success. The last five weeks I have planed weekly meetings, bought food, create pamphlets for the banquet, met talented local youths to preform at the event and created a budget for fundraiser. This was a challenging task to joggle with an intensive internship, work and school all in the same week. I realized that these experiences were preparing me for the real world.

 I know after I graduate and work in a professional setting, my daily tasks are going to to be just as intense. The way I have balanced all these tasks and was able stayed sane consisted of a good time management and a lot of patience. I know that the following that weeks are going get more intense and my task at going to get even more challenging, but I need to stay strong and make sure that I accomplish any obstacle in my way to unsure that I continue progress as a Armenian.

For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Elen Asatryan
Email / Tel: (818) 500-1918
Armenian National Committee of America
Western Region
104 N. Belmont, Suite 200, Glendale, CA 91206 * Tel. (818) 500-1918

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