This Week: ANCA-WR Interns Share Their Experiences

July 31, 2017

Over the last two weeks the we have  met with several incredibly knowledgeable individuals for enlightening and engaging discussions on topics pertaining to the Armenian American cause. Some of these workshops were more lecture-oriented, whereas the others were hands on and full of healthy and balanced debate. Through the various discussions with AYF CE member Razmig Sarkissian, Asbarez English Editor Ara Khatchadourian, ANCA-WR Chair Nora Hovsepian, and several other leaders of the Armenian Community,  we developed a deeper sense of understanding of the work that has been and MUST continue to be carried to further the Armenian American cause.  These meetings were very enlightening and empowering.  

Several of the us interns also had the privilege of attending the screening of Bared Maronian’s newest film, Women of 1915. At the event, we had the honor of meeting with Bared Maronian, the renowned producer whose films shed light on the atrocities endured by Armenians throughout the 20th century, as well as the valiance and perseverance of the Armenian nation. We must not e that we found  the film to be phenomenal and a true illustration of Bared Maronian’s passion and artistic genius.

During the event, which was hosted by ARS Ani and Nairy Chapters and ANCA Sang Gabriel Valley Chapters, we met with various public officials and  conversed with figures such as Councilmember Jack Hadjinian, who had graciously met with us at Montebello City Hall several weeks ago. We were awestruck and humbled when we spotted State Senator Anthony Portantino in audience. Senator Portantino discussed the  importance in helping advance pro-Armenian initiatives, and posed with us holding the ANCA Rapid Responder cards.

As some of us head home and get ready for the upcoming semester, a feeling of melancholy persists. This summer has provided us with the spectacular opportunity of creating lasting friendships while also obtaining obligatory experiences which will, without doubt, help us excel in the future. Through the incredible ANCA-WR summer internship program, we have gained everything from an enlightened outlook on life to professional skills such as writing press releases, digital marketing, lobbying, and resume building. We also met public officials and  discussed public policy face to face with elected officials, a factor which truly puts the ANCA-WR’s internship program far ahead of almost any alternative. Overall, the program provided us with the opportunity to progress and grow both professionally and personally. Most importantly, it provided us with a sense of identity and reinforced our existing commitment to the Armenian American cause.

For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Sarine Boyadian
Email / Tel: (818) 500-1918
Armenian National Committee of America
Western Region
104 N. Belmont, Suite 200, Glendale, CA 91206 * Tel. (818) 500-1918 | | @anca_dc

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