GUSD Board of Education Unanimously Passes Resolution Designating April 2015 as “Month of Commemoraion of the Centennial Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

March 25, 2015

On Tuesday, March 24, 2015, the Glendale Unified Board of Education unanimously passed a resolution titled “Remembering the Armenian Genocide and Reaffirming a Better World” designating April 2015 as Month of Commemoration of the Centennial Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, reported the Armenian National Committee of America, Glendale (ANCA Glendale).

The resolution provides a historical overview of the 1915 Armenian Genocide GUSD Resolution_Zakaryanand calls upon the Republic of Turkey to acknowledge the facts of the Armenian Genocide and work towards a just resolution. The measure also highlights American philanthropic efforts during and after the Armenian Genocide by commending the work of the Near East Relief (NER), and resolves that the GUSD will continue its commitment to providing the proper teacher-training workshops and educational resources to support Armenian Genocide curriculum for all high school social studies teachers and students.

“This evening, we witnessed the passing of the most comprehensive and action oriented resolution by the School Board, and it truly goes to support the reputation of the GUSD as a model district nationwide it rightfully deserves,” stated ANCA-Glendale Community Outreach Coordinator Tigranna Zakaryan. “We commend the GUSD Board of Education Members for their leadership and passing a commemorative resolution year after year, which engages our youth in the educational background needed to support their understanding of the Armenian Genocide,” added Zakaryan.

GUSD School BoardThe resolution was presented by School Board member Nayiri Nahabedian and followed by commentary by School Board President Greg Krikorian in stating, “Our community, our youth, and our cause only grow stronger by the day as we continue our message in demanding justice and reparation of our land. This only reverberates as we approach the Centennial and we are very encourage by the engagement of our youth in continuing this quest.” In relation to the GUSD resolution, Krikorian continued by emphasizing, “Today’s resolution is vital but only a piece of the puzzle in achieving our ultimate goal of recognition.”

The ANCA-Glendale also shared a video that shed light on the ANCA-WR’s recently launched campaign “America We Thank You: An Armenian Tribute to the Near East Relief” and will work closely with the GUSD School Board and administration in the coming weeks to host district-wide assemblies that will educate students, faculty, and staff on this proud, yet rarely taught portion of American history.

In addition, ANCA-Glendale will also work in collaboration with the GUSD Armenian Clubs to support their preparations for Centennial commemorative events and will coordinate GUSD to encourage students to participate in the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee’s spearheaded March for Justice, and the ANCA-WR’s Advocacy Day in Sacramento.

For more information please contact ANCA-Glendale Community Outreach Coordinator Tigranna Zakaryan directly at or call818.243-3444

The ANCA-Glendale advocates for the social, economic, cultural, and political rights of the city’s Armenian American community and promotes increased civic participation at the grassroots and public policy levels.


Photo#1: ANCA-Glendale Community Outreach Coordinator Tigranna Zakaryan speaking on behalf of “America We Thank You: an Armenian Tribute to the Near East Relief”

Photo#2: GUSD Board of Education casting their vote on “Remembering the Armenian Genocide and Reaffirming a Better World”


For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Elen Asatryan
Email / Tel: (818) 500-1918
Armenian National Committee of America
Western Region
104 N. Belmont, Suite 200, Glendale, CA 91206 * Tel. (818) 500-1918

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