August 28, 2002

SACRAMENTO, CA – Late Tuesday evening the California State Assembly passed Senate Bill 1657 (SB 1657) by an overwhelming bi-partisan vote of 73 – 4. The vote reflected the bi-partisan support that the California Regional Trade Office has appreciated since its initial introduction by Senator Jack Scott (D-Pasadena) in the State Senate. After clearing the Senate and moving onto the Assembly, the bill’s progress was hindered by the State’s budget deficit problem. Through the grassroots efforts of the ANCA-WR, SB 1657 cleared two key committee votes en route to a full state Assembly vote.

ANCA-WR Chairman Steven J. Dadaian and Board Member Berdj Karapetian with State Assembly Speaker Herb Wesson

The Trade Office Bill passed overwhelmingly in the State Assembly with over 9 members of the State Assembly voicing their support for the legislation on the Assembly floor. SB 1657 aims to establish a California Regional Trade Office in the Republic of Armenia, which would help, facilitate trade and commerce between the two entities. The State of California currently has trade offices in Germany, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Israel, Mexico, South Africa, Taiwan and Japan. Previous California trade offices had been criticized by some legislators for having a lack of accountability and no means of determining the effectiveness of the office. Unlike the current trade offices, the Regional Trade in Yerevan, Armenia, would provide a study of the trade office’s economic impact on trade, investment and tourism that would be completed by March, 2005.

“It is a good for the Armenian community, its good for Californians. It is going to be a mutually beneficial piece of legislation. I admire the leadership in the Armenian community that made this possible and the innovation of the ANC for finding ways to make this work at this time.” Commented Assemblymember Jackie Goldberg (D-Los Angeles) who spoke in support of the bill prior to the full Assembly vote.

Last week ANCA-WR Chairman Steven Dadaian and Board member Berdj Karapetian met with California State Assembly Speaker Herb Wesson (D-Los Angeles) in Sacramento to discuss the status of SB 1657 in the State Assembly and other issues pertaining to strengthening the economic ties between California and Armenia. Dadaian and Karapetian conveyed to Speaker Wesson the importance of the Trade Office in relation to California’s efforts to seek new markets and Armenia’s economic growth.

In addition to the meetings held in Sacramento, over a dozen local ANC’s from all over California have been working with the ANCA-WR office in contacting their state legislators to urge them to support SB 1657. The efforts of the statewide grassroots effort culminated in SB 1657 being voted on and passing the State Assembly Appropriations Committee.

A key element in Senator Scott’s bill is that the Trade Office would serve Armenia and surrounding Eastern European and Southwestern Asian independent neighbors. The aim of the proposal is for California to promote trade relations in developing areas of the world that show emerging market potential. The area is perceived by economists as an “untapped “resource.”

“Today’s vote show’s that there is bi-partisan support for legislation establishing a California Regional Trade Office in Armenia. It is important to note that legislators in both parties understand the necessity of establishing a trade office in this region. This is the only region in the world where California does not have a trade presence,” commented Assemblymember Dario Frommer (D-Glendale), who was instrumental in the passage of SB 1657 in the State Assembly. “It is a fortuitous time to expand into this region where many of the economies are experiencing growth and expansion.”

Republican members of the Assembly also spoke in favor of SB 1657. Among those who made a statement was Assemblymember Michael Briggs (R-Fresno) who had introduced a similar bill four years ago.

“I am grateful that the legislature finally saw the importance of opening up trade for California businesses to a region that is home to 350 million consumers hungry for our products,” said Assemblyman Briggs. “This will expand an already close relationship that California has with our friends in Armenia and throughout the Caucus region.”

Assemblymember Frommer also commended the ANC for coming up with innovative ways of addressing the issue of the Trade Office particularly at a time when the State has been facing a significant budget deficit. “The ANC’s ability to work with members of both parties demonstrates their ability to accomplish such important goals and is truly admirable,” added the Assemblymember.

“We are excited that SB 1657 has passed this important hurdle. This is a historic step forward towards strengthening the economic ties between California and Armenia and we applaud the State legislature for passing this bill,” said Steven J. Dadaian, Chairman of the ANCA-WR.

“The passage of SB 1657 is an exciting step forward in the process of creating a realistic working relationship between California and Armenia in the areas of trade and commerce. This office will benefit thousands of business in California and help bolster the growing economy of Armenia,” added Ardashes Kassakhian Director of Government Relations for the ANCA-WR ” We are on the verge of seeing the beginning of a new era of economic cooperation between these two entities. The ANCA-WR is committed to making this relationship work.”

The efforts of ASB 1657 would allow private as well as public investment in the trade office.

Commenting on the bill’s passage, Senator Jack Scott said, “This trade office is a common sense advantage for our state. California gets to export-and to expose–its entrepreneurial expertise, goods and high-tech products to a region of the world with tremendous potential.”

He also added “California currently has no presence in the region, and it’s an area that wants to work closely with us on a host of trade, business, education and cultural activities”

The Tuesday August 27, 2002 edition of the Pasadena Star News published an editorial calling on members of the State Legislature to support Sen. Scott’s bill and sited ANCA-WR sources in detailing the following areas where the trade office would have the greatest impact in both Armenia and California; tourism, biotech and hi-tech industries.

The bill now moves on to await approval by Governor Gray Davis.

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.


For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Ardashes Kassakhian
Email / Tel: (818) 500-1918
Armenian National Committee of America
Western Region
104 N. Belmont, Suite 200, Glendale, CA 91206 * Tel. (818) 500-1918

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