May 3, 2012
GLENDALE-The ANCA-WR is now accepting applications for the Summer Executive Internship Program. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 25. The internship will be from June 18 to August 24. The intensive Executive Internship Program is for individuals who have high expectations of themselves and of their community. Applicants are expected to be driven, have a strong work ethic, be ready to learn, and have a positive attitude. As a part of the program, interns will work directly with the Executive Director, ANCA-WR staff, and with the various committees that the ANCA-WR comprises. They will also visit with leaders in government, business, media, and advocacy. These visits will be supplemented by weekly lectures on a variety of topics that will acquaint Executive Interns with the American political system, governance, grassroots activism and advocacy, relationship building, communication, and professionalism. “The Executive Internship Program provides participants with insight into Armenian American issues while preparing them to take on the challenges they will have in their professional careers,” said William Bairamian, Executive Director of the ANCA-WR. To read about some of the experiences and reflections of former and current interns, you may visit To apply, visit The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region is the largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country, the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues. ###
For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Elen Asatryan
Email / Tel: (818) 500-1918
Armenian National Committee of America Western Region
104 N. Belmont, Suite 200, Glendale, CA 91206 * Tel. (818) 500-1918