2018 ANCA-WR Gala Set for Oct. 7

July 12, 2018

GLENDALE—The Armenian National Committee of America–Western Region announced that the organization’s 2018 ANCA-WR Gala has been set to take place on Sunday, October 7 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills. The dynamic group of dedicated volunteers making up the 2018 ANCA-WR Gala Core Committee will be chaired by ANCA-WR Board Member Steve Artinian.

“Each year, the ANCA-WR is fortunate to be able to attract such a talented group of dedicated volunteers to organize and host the Armenian community’s most anticipated event, with a moving and professional presentation of distinguished honorees who help advance the Armenian Cause. In this momentous year for the Armenian Nation, we look forward to yet another highly successful Gala as we earn the support and trust of our community while doing our utmost to represent our collective interests in public spheres,” stated by ANCA–WR Chair, Nora Hovsepian.

Gala Chair Steve Artinian is currently a member of the ANCA–WR Board of Directors. Professionally, Steve is Vice President of Marketing of Home Organizers, Inc., and its wholly-owned subsidiaries Closet World, Inc., Closets By Design, Inc., Closet Dimensions, Inc. and CBD Franchising, Inc. with locations throughout the US and Canada. Steve served 4 years as the regional chairman of Homenetmen Western USA. In addition, he served as chairman of the PR and Marketing committee of the 2015 historic Los Angeles March for Justice on April 24. He currently sits on several committees for Homenetmen, ARS, ANCA-WR, the ACF and the Armenian Bone Marrow Registry.

The 2018 ANCA-WR Gala is the premiere event for the ANCA-WR and the Armenian-American community, where activists, supporters, donors, and public officials come together to acknowledge and encourage the work of the organization and to pay homage to annual honorees whose contribution to the Armenian Cause is recognized each year. As the largest event of its kind each year, the ANCA-WR Annual Gala serves as a catalyst to unify the community around the Armenian Cause in all its facets and to highlight the many accomplishments of the most effective and well-organized grassroots advocacy organization in the Armenian Diaspora.

Last year’s Gala attracted over 1,000 attendees as it honored a variety of individuals who have served their community and their country. Past honorees have included Congressman David Valadao, California State Senator Anthony Portantino, film director Terry George, Turkish MP Garo Paylan, Primate of the Diocese of Artsakh, Archbishop Parkev Martirosyan, International and Human Rights Attorneys Geoffrey Robertson and Amal Clooney, and many other distinguished honorees.

Stay tuned for more information on ticket sales and the announcement of honorees. For more information, visit our Facebook page. For any additional questions, email info@ancawr.org or call 818-500-1918.

For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Dickran Khodanian
Email / Tel: (818) 500-1918
Armenian National Committee of America - Western Region
104 N Belmont St. Suite 200, Glendale, CA 91206
info@ancawr.org | ancawr.org/facebook | @anca_wr

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