ANCA-WR Announces Endorsement List for 2015 LA City Municipal Elections

February 20, 2015

Earlier today, the Armenian National Committee of America Western Region (ANCA-WR) announced its list of endorsements for the March 3, 2015 City of Los Angeles Municipal Elections.

“The great city of Los Angeles has the largest concentration of Armenian Americans in the 2015 ANCA WR PrimaryEndorsementsUnited States outside of Armenia and its participation in the upcoming municipal elections will play a determining role in the outcome of the elections,” commented ANCA-WR Executive Director Elen Asatryan. “We urge Armenian Americans to exercise their right to vote in the Primary Elections on March 3rd, helping elect those candidates who have been longtime friends and true supporters of so many important issues concerning our community,” added Asatryan.

Careful review of candidates’ track records and subsequent interviews and meetings with them earlier this month to survey their grasp of important Armenian issues, as well as a sincere devotion to making the Armenian community an equal partner in the future of the City of Los Angeles yielded the below ANCA-WR endorsements.

Los Angeles City Council District 2 Paul Krekorian

Los Angeles City Council District 6: Nury Martinez

Los Angeles City Council District 12: Mitch Englander

Los Angeles Unified School District 5: Bennett Kayser

Los Angeles Community College District Board 1: Francesca Vega

Los Angeles Community College District Board 5: Scott Svonkin

Los Angeles Community College District Board 7: Mike Fong

The ANCA-WR endorsed candidates demonstrate notable support for issues of importance to the Armenian American community, including supporting resolutions and bills recognizing the Armenian Genocide, mandating Armenian Genocide Education Curriculum in public schools that also encompasses the efforts of the Near East Relief, the United States’ first congressionally sanctioned non-governmental organization, and how it mobilized the humanitarianism and philanthropy of the American People to save and sustain hundreds and thousands of Armenians during the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923, and in its immediate aftermath until 1930.

The March 3rd Elections include contests for Los Angeles City Council Districts 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14; Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Board of Education Districts 1, 3, 5, and 7; and Los Angeles Community College (LACCD) Board of Trustees Seats 1, 3, 5, and 7.

No Endorsements were made in City Council Districts 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, LAUSD Districts 1, 3, 7 or LACCD Board of Trustees District 3.

A winner is declared in all City Council and LAUSD races when he/she secures fifty percent plus one vote. For any race in which no candidate wins a majority of the vote, a runoff election is held. This year’s runoff election for LA City Council and LAUSD is scheduled for May 19, 2015. The LACCD Board of Trustees races, however, only require a plurality of the vote to declare a candidate a winner. Whichever candidate gets the most number of votes on March 3rd, wins the seat.

The 2015 Primary Elections will take place on March 3, 2015. In order to vote, you must be registered. The ANCA-WR urges community members who are U.S. citizens and over the age of 18 not yet registered to vote, to register by visiting or calling 818.806.8683. For additional information, contact ANCA WR at 818.500.1918,, or visit

The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region is the largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country, the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.

For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Elen Asatryan
Email / Tel: (818) 500-1918
Armenian National Committee of America
Western Region
104 N. Belmont, Suite 200, Glendale, CA 91206 * Tel. (818) 500-1918

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