May 5, 2004

Los Angeles, CA – The largest Armenian-American grassroots public affairs organization in the Western United States issued a statement today praising a number of Republican legislators in the U.S. Congress. The statement issued by the Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region praised GOP members of Congress for their outstanding support on issues of concern to tens of thousands of Armenian American voters throughout California, Nevada and other western states.

The statement went on to praise Republican Governors in the states of Idaho, Montana, and Nebraska for joining the growing list of states that have officially acknowledged the Armenian Genocide. April 2004 marked a month when a record number of Governors issued proclamations acknowledging the Armenian Genocide and April 24th as a Day of Remembrance. The list includes Republican Governors Dirk Kempthorne of Idaho, Judy Martz of Montana, and Mike Johanns of Nebraska.

In addition to praising these states for their acknowledgement of the Genocide, the ANCA-WR praised Republican Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger for designating April 24th in the State of California, as a Day of Remembrance for the Genocide. Republican State Senator Chuck Poochigian presented the proclamation to the Armenian-American community at the ANCA-WR organized April 24 Commemoration in Montebello, California.

“We appreciate the work of our Republican friends, particularly the Governors and members of Congress who supported the ANC’s initiatives to raise awareness about the Armenian Genocide and urge Congress to pass resolutions acknowledging this crime against humanity,” stated ANCA-WR Government Relations Director Armen Carapetian.

Last week the Nevada ANC honored Senator John Ensign (R-NV) as the “ANC Man of the Year” for his staunch support of Armenian American issues. Senator Ensign introduced Senate Resolution 164, which reaffirms America’s commitment to preventing genocides and punishing perpetrators of genocide. The legislation also clearly recognizes the mass murder of Armenians from 1915 to 1923 as a case of genocide. Currently the bill has the support of over 39 Senators, including 9 Republican Senators.

Several months ago, the Orange County ANC honored Congressman Ed Royce (R-Fullerton) with the local chapter’s Freedom Award. Rep. Royce serves on the influential International Relations Committee and has had a long track record of support of issues that are of concern to his Armenian-American constituency. During his remarks at the ANCA Capitol Hill Armenian Genocide Observance last week, Rep. Royce renewed his pledge to fight for official acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide.

The ANCA-WR honored Republican Congressman George Radanovich (R-Fresno) as its “Man of the Year” several months ago at its largest event of the year. Radanovich is the principal author and sponsor of H.R. 193, which acknowledges the Armenian Genocide. That legislation, which was passed unanimously by the House Judiciary Committee on May 21, 2003 is awaiting a vote on the House Floor.

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.


For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Ardashes Kassakhian
Email / Tel: (818) 500-1918
Armenian National Committee of America
Western Region
104 N. Belmont, Suite 200, Glendale, CA 91206 * Tel. (818) 500-1918

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