LOS ANGELES – In a move welcomed today by the Armenian National Committee of America - Western Region (ANCA-WR), Congresswoman Judy Chu (D-CA) has formally called upon U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Le
Feb 6, 2016
LOS ANGELES — Thursday February 4th, the All-Armenian Student Association (All-ASA) will be coordinating the annual “Stain of Denial” silent protest against denial of the Armenian Genocide, simultaneo
Feb 3, 2016
GLENDALE, CA.—The Armenian National Committee of America Western Region (ANCA-WR) announced that it is now accepting applications for the ANCA Leo Sarkisian (LSI) Internship and the summer session of
Feb 2, 2016
WASHINGTON—Friends of Armenia will travel to Washington, D.C. from across America on March 15 for a two-day Capitol Hill advocacy campaign promoting peace, prosperity, and justice for the Armenian nat
Jan 20, 2016
LOS ANGELES — Earlier today, the Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region (ANCA-WR) extended a heartfelt congratulations to Assemblymember Anthony Rendon for his election as the next Sp
Jan 16, 2016
Sacramento, CA - The Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region proudly announced the official establishment of the Walter and Laurel Karabian Fellowship for Public Policy.  Housed under
Jan 4, 2016

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